Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Drag

The tree-lined path wound in front of me.  Through the park and around the city it crept. It teased, encouraged and dared me to conquer it.  The stealth night air wrapped icy fingers around exposed arms. It beckoned me forward and prodded me back at the same time.  Leafless trees swayed forward as if to say "you can't catch me."  I take one step, then another.  It feels good. I feel the dull thud in my chest begin. At first it beats in rhythm with my step and then much quicker.  My breath becomes halting and deliberate. It feels exhilirating and awful at the same time. I am a runner...again.

Four years ago, I ran a marathon. Before that I had set a PR of running a half marathon in just under 2 hours. Then, I had two babies in two years and moved to a foreign country- twice. A year ago, I began my quest to become a runner again. You must understand that just because a person jogs or runs on a consistent basis does not make them a runner.  When you leave the house without a route, a watch or a destination and you just want to run, just for the sake of running- then you can then call yourself a runner.  I haven't been one in a long time.

My first attempts at runs were little more than brisk walks.  But tonight, I felt the thrill again.  1 mile, then 2, then 3.  Horrid, intense, wonderful miles. Like watching an old, scary movie.  You want to stop watching it. You know the bad guy is behind the door. You know the killer is going to get his next victim. But you can't stop. It grips you.  It is terrible and fantastic at the same time. 

That's when you know you're a runner.  I started this blog several months ago and hadn't posted yet. I was waiting for it to find me again.

I probably won't post often on here and when I do it may or may not have anything to do with running.  This is my space.  This is the place where I will share whatever I feel like.  It may have nothing to do with actually running but that's why it is my space.  You can get your own space.

See you after the next run.